Introduction: Public health interventions seem to contribute to the improvement of the conditions of individual or communal health in real scenarios, however, the different evaluation models that currently exist are focused in getting to know their effectiveness, impact or results, leaving an empty space for the comprehension of what works within the intervention, for who and under what circumstances. In this way, it is necessary to use an evaluation model that allows to generate evidence regarding causal explanations and results associated to the activation of mechanisms in complex situations, both in the context and in the development. Objective: To adapt an evaluation model for complex interventions in public health, that incorporates the categories of the realistic evaluation of context, mechanism, and results in this type of interventions. Methodology: A qualitative exploratory study was done with a formal consensus, with a Nominal Group Technique (NGT), linking 15 technicians in public health and 10 experts in evaluation and evaluative investigation within 3 discussion workshops, following an iterative process of three participative encounters until reaching a consensus for the consolidation of the evaluation model in public health. Results: This evaluation model incorporates characteristics of the interventions of public health and integrates elements of context, mechanism, and results, to facilitate the comprehension of the effectiveness of an intervention identifying what works (or not), for who and under what circumstances. Conclusions: This adaptation of an evaluation model brings relevant information to make informed decisions from an evaluation of interventions in real contexts.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Mercy Soto-Chaquir, Lina María García-Zapata , Ana Milena Galarza-Iglesias, Liliana Cristina Morales-Viana