Focus and Scope
Salud UIS is a scientific journal whose mission is to publish research results in the area of health and related sciences. One of its objectives is to respond to the authors promptly so their work can be published and made it available to the scientific community in a timely manner. No fees are charged for the article submissions and the entire journal is accessible free of charge. The following medical professionals are specifically targeted by the journal: physicians and specialized nurses, veterinarians, physiotherapists, nutritionists, dental health professionals, health administrators, psychologists, and researchers of fundamental and clinical medicine, amongst others.
Salud UIS will give priority to papers contributing significantly to scientific knowledge and those of interest to more than one group of health professionals.
Peer Review Process
The papers will be reviewed by the Editorial Board in order to ensure thar its content is appropriate for the journal and meets editorial standards, while respecting the right of confidentiality of authors, reviewers and editors. If it does not meet the requirements, they will be returned to authors for corrections, if applicable, before sending it to academic peers. Between two and three weeks, the submitting confirmation by Salud UIS and the verification of the contents may occur. Each work will be reviewed by the Editorial Board to assess proper reporting of health research studies, Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of health Research (EQUATOR) Guidelines ( will be implemented. Authors are encouraged to review the most appropriate study design guide to ensure they have all the elements required for a good report.
Salud UIS takes in the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for the detection and management of suspected plagiarism in a submitted manuscript. It is understood that authors that send their articles to the journal, authorize it to be analyzed by specialized software for potential unoriginal contents or text repetition from other publications.
Afterwards, the papers will be sent to at least two referees. The review of manuscripts is done through a process of peer revision by the method "double blind". Each referee will issue a concept based on the evaluation criteria: relevance, actuality, interdisciplinarity significance, academic strength and conceptual level. The results of referees assessments will assist the Editorial Board for the final concept, which can be: accepted, requires minor changes, requires major changes or rejected. From the time of submitting confirmation and the issue of the concept, may last an average of six months.
The concept will be sent to the authors who will reply item by item and will incorporate the respetive modifications of the text. A period of four weeks will be allowed for this. If an answer is not received by the end of this period, the article will be automatically withdrawn.
Authors' Fee Policy
All costs of the editorial process, layout and others are assumed by the publisher. Likewise, Salud UIS does not charge any fee for processing or submitting articles (Article Processing Charge - APC).
Open Access Policy
Continuously disseminate at the local, national, and international scale, the literary and intellectual production of research results in the area of health and related sciences. The audience of this journal is formed by health professionals: physiotherapists, bacteriologists, nurses, doctors, nutritionists, dentists, veterinarians, health administrators, psychologists, researchers in the basic and clinical area, and others. It has bibliographic exchanges with national and international institutions.
Indexed in:
Salud UIS is indexed in PUBLINDEX, Índice Nacional de Publicaciones Seriadas Científicas y Tecnológicas Colombianas de COLCIENCIAS. Classification type B.
Index and Abstracts:
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Statement of ethics and good practices
Universidad Industrial de Santander.Salud Journal
Statement of ethics and good practices
The Universidad Industrial de Santander, Salud journal abide by the code of ethics regulations for every publication (Research in humans using the declaration of Helsinki, available in: and the own country's policies realization.
Only original and unpublished articles in the area of health and related sciences in either Spanish or English are to be submitted, evaluated and published, if approved.
All articles submitted to the journal will be sent to peer reviewers, with the identity of the authors unknown. The information provided by the authors of the manuscripts submitted for publication, remains confidential by all staff in charge of editorial process (editor, editorial and scientific board members, professional assistants and committee support), or not to be used for purposes other than required in the editorial process, another people or institutions.
Spreading and conflicts of interest
The authors must complete a letter for the transfer of copyrights and declaration of conflict of interest or proof of originality (format established by the journal Universidad Industrial de Santander, Salud) that the author agrees to submit their article for evaluation and that the article is original, unpublished and is not currently being considered or has been subjected for evaluation and / or accepted in another journal. Any possible conflict of interest (academic, commercial, financial, personal or political), that can influence improperly at any time of the process of publication should be advised.
Authors, editorial staff and evaluators should report any conflict of interest that is present in both the production of the manuscript and in its subsequent evaluation and publication process.
Editorial decisions
Editorial decisions regarding the submitted manuscripts will be taken by the editor and the Editorial Board of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Salud journal.
Contributions to editorial decisions
Assessment made by academic peers will be taken into account in editorial process. After the assessment completion the authors will be contacted about the relevant decisions made in each case.
Standards of objectivity
All evaluations are conducted in an objective manner, without arguments and avoiding conflicts of interest.
Reference recognition
Peer reviewers should identify relevant papers considering that the content of the article has not been already published, identify these comments and followed by the respective reference. Evaluators are requested to report to the editor any cases of similarity between the paper submitted and other previously papers published.
All the manuscripts submitted for publication in Universidad Industrial de Santander, Salud journal, will be analyzed by a specialized program turnitin® that will make comparisons with the worldwide text database for the purposes of seeking to identify incorrect citations or possible plagiarism.
Originality and plagiarism
Authors should guarantee that their manuscripts are original and is not currently already submitted for editorial processing for the publication in another journal and it has not been published previously. The author should also guarantee that their manuscript does not infringe any copyright or other proprietary rights of any person or entity, it does no contain false, defamatory, obscene or fraudulent declarations, or any other statement that could be illegal in any way.
If part of the content of the work has been presented or published in other media, authors should recognize and cite the sources and academic credits.
The Universidad Industrial de Santander, Salud journal adheres to the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for the detection and management of plagiarism in papers received. It is understood that authors who submit manuscripts to the journal, authorize the manuscripts to be analyzed by specialized programs.
Errors in published articles
Authors should carefully review the final version of the article, prior to publication in the journal, reporting any errors that need to be corrected.
After the manuscript is published and in case any errors or significant inaccuracies are found, authors should promptly notify the editor and the editorial committee. Your further cooperation with the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud journal would be required to produce either an errata, appendix, notice, correction, or in cases where deemed necessary to remove the writing of the issue published.