Parameter estimation in singe-phase transformers employing voltage and current measures
Published 2020-09-21
- parametric estimation,
- mathematical optimization,
- nonlinear programming,
- distribution transformer,
- general algebraic modeling system
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In this article a methodology for estimating electrical parameters in distribution transformer is presented by considering voltage and current measures through the formulation of a nonlinear programming (NLP). This mathematical optimization model is developed by applying the Kirchhoff’s laws to the equivalent electric circuit of the transformer. To solve the NLP model the general algebraic modeling system widely known as GAMS is used. The proposed methodology is developed in a tutorial sense by presenting a numerical example that corresponds to a single-phase transformer with 20 kVA and a transformation ratio about 8000/240 V. Numerical results show that the parametric estimation in the transformers with the proposed NLP model represents the electrical behavior of these devices adequately considering different load scenarios. All the simulations were carried-out in GAMS version 25.1.3 licensed by Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.
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