Vol. 10 No. 2 (2011): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Business intelligence solutions in practice: support for decision-making in educational projects for vulnerable children in the Colombian Caribbean

Alexander Armando Bustamante Martínez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Ernesto Amaru Galvis Lista
Universidad del Magdalena
Mayda Patricia González Zabala
Universidad del Magdalena
Arys Alberto García Avendaño
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Luis Fernando Benavides Fawcett
Universidad del Magdalena

Published 2011-12-15


  • Business Intelligence,
  • data warehouse,
  • OLAP

How to Cite

Bustamante Martínez, A. A., Galvis Lista, E. A., González Zabala, M. P., García Avendaño, A. A., & Benavides Fawcett, L. F. (2011). Business intelligence solutions in practice: support for decision-making in educational projects for vulnerable children in the Colombian Caribbean. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 10(2), 123–135. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/125-135


Business intelligence is used to bring answers to problems related to access, availability and utility of information. This paper presents the process and results obtained in the construction of a business intelligence solution to support decision making in educational projects to vulnerable childhood population in the Colombian Caribbean region. The application context is the execution of a project named “Learning Circles", educational model operated by University of Magdalena since 2006, whose fundamental objective is to bring back to school to refugee and vulnerable children. To develop the solution we used as methodological guidelines Moss and Atre's model and the agile method named Extreme Programming. The main practical implication of this work is to show the usefulness of these technologies in different context to business.


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