Vol. 16 No. 2 (2017): UIS Engineering Journal

Quantification of electrical energy savings in residential customers through demand management strategies

Fabio Andres Pavas Martinez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Orlando Alexander Gonzalez Vivas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Yuber Samir Sanchez Rosas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2017-05-15


  • Demand management,
  • demand management strategies,
  • energy savings,
  • load profile modeling

How to Cite

Pavas Martinez, F. A., Gonzalez Vivas, O. A., & Sanchez Rosas, Y. S. (2017). Quantification of electrical energy savings in residential customers through demand management strategies. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 16(2), 217–226. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v16n2-2017020


Colombia faced from 2015 to 2016 one of most severe El Niño whether phenomenal in its history, being close to energy rationing. Demand management can help to reduce energy consumption under any scenario of energy availability, not only under emergencies. This article presents the quantification of potential savings in residential customers in Bogotá D.C., determined from the modeling of different demand management strategies. The results show energy reduction between 6 and 26% resorting to device substitution, 7 and 19% through energy consumption patterns adjustments, and between 17% and 45% as possible total energy savings. The results reveal as well that customers with low energy consumption can reach upto 45% savings, in contrast to customers with consumption energy greater than 150 kWh/month cannot reach energy saving above 20%.


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