Vocation and Teacher Formation in The Health Area: Impulses for Transformation
Published 2022-06-30
- Theacher Formation,
- professionalization,
- Higher Level Education,
- Health Sciences
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Nowadays, teaching at a higher-level face profound transformation processes, largely derived from the conditions forced by the COVID-19 pandemic, but these processes have been observed since earlier times. Higher-level teachers are currently required to possess a large body of knowledge and skills focused on teaching practice, and not only in their areas of specialty. Updating is essential for the professional performance of teaching, but it is insufficient. The objective of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the concepts of vocation and teacher formation based on interviews with higher-level teachers in the health area. This is qualitative research based on 18 life stories of teachers from various careers and multiple contractual situations hired in the Iztacala Faculty of Higher Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the analysis was carried out through coding strategies. The findings are presented in 8 analytical categories that, considering the conditions of teaching work at the higher level, allow us to propose constitutive dimensions of the teaching vocation. It is concluded that vocation can be innate, discovered, or developed based on teacher formation processes, which are distinguished from professionalization processes. It is emphasized that vocation and formation are authentic impulses for transformation, something desirable in the contemporary world context.
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