Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021): July - December

Didactic strategies to improve the reading comprehension of normalists in training

Rafael Alexander Ortiz Montañez
Institución Educativa Promoción Social del Norte

Published 2021-12-31


  • Strategies,
  • Reading,
  • Reading comprehension,
  • Normalists,
  • Communicative competence

How to Cite

Ortiz Montañez, R. A. (2021). Didactic strategies to improve the reading comprehension of normalists in training. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 22(2), 35–50. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v22n2-2021003


This report presents the contributions of the research "Didactic strategies to improve the reading comprehension of teacher trainees" carried out within the framework of the Master's Degree in Language Teaching, Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Colombia. This research work focuses on the design of a didactic intervention to improve the level of reading comprehension among a group of students of the Escuelas Normales Superiores de Norte de Santander, Colombia. This need arises from the analysis of the population under study, where different deficiencies are identified in the educational processes of the students, resulting in low levels of performance in communicative competencies. The methodology used is qualitative deductive nature and is developed in two phases: a first phase where the information is collected through open-ended tests and some key conclusions are generated for a second phase where the problem is solved through the design and execution of a didactic proposal. There, the seminar-workshop method is used, implemented in six sessions where the objective was to deepen in the reading strategies proposed by Isabel Solé and Mar Mateos. later critical observations are made on the exercise carried out. Finally, conclusions are presented about the learning processes, the influence of the factors in the social environment, the levels of text comprehension and the possible implications of what was observed in a future teaching exercise of the normalists. Some projections of the research and open fields for other researchers are also presented.


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