Published 2021-12-31
- mathematical competences,
- mobile applications,
- teaching-learning
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This project proposes the design and implementation of a pedagogical strategy mediated by the mobile applications MateZ and Khan Academy whose main objective is to contribute to strengthen the mathematical skills of exercise, reasoning and resolution in seventh grade students of the educational institution Instituto Manizales. As part of the project, the MateZ mobile application was designed and developed to support students in the development of specific mental arithmetic skills in operations with integers. The methodology used corresponds to a mixed research route with descriptive scope, to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the problem with qualitative and quantitative data. In the study, 15 students participated in the experimental group, the strategy was composed of four units divided into a total of six sessions and in all of them the use of mobile applications was intentionally integrated. The results of the application of the strategy showed that it had a positive impact on the teaching-learning process, increasing the motivation of the students and significantly improving the results of the evaluations carried out at the end of the process.
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