Vol. 22 No. 1 (2021): January - June

Augmented Reality, Educational Proposal Which Strengthens Reading Skills

Adriana Sildey Enciso Moreno
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Gil Lorduy
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Reinaldo Martinez
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Paulo Salgado
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Paul Ospina
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Lina Mejia
Universidad de Santander, Colombia

Published 2021-06-30


  • reading competence,
  • didactics,
  • augmented reality

How to Cite

Enciso Moreno, A. S. ., Lorduy, G., Martinez, R. ., Salgado, P., Ospina, P., & Mejia, L. (2021). Augmented Reality, Educational Proposal Which Strengthens Reading Skills. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 22(1), 49–54. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v22n1-2021004


This document is framed in the evident problem in reading competence and the objective is to strengthen said ability through a didactic proposal mediated by the application of augmented reality (MEN, 2003). The problem is evident when reviewing the results of the SABER tests of the last years of the I.E Rosa Mesa de Mejía. The research has a mixed approach, from a methodological design of concurrent triangulation, where the qualitative and quantitative method is applied simultaneously, collecting and analyzing the data. The pre-test diagnostic instruments and the survey indicate that: 44% have problems in the semantic component, 28% in the syntactic and 24% in the pragmatic. To strengthen reading skills, books were worked with Augmented Reality and textual typology with R.A. The implementation of methodologies that involve AR strengthen reading skills, since it generates motivation and interest, participation, commitment and willingness to learn (Carracedo & Méndez, 2012).


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