Published 2024-11-05
- PBL,
- Webquest,
- Competencies,
- Numerical Methods
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The results of a qualitative research project are presented in which the Problem-Based Learning strategy and the WebQuest Methodology were used to promote the development of disciplinary competencies in the students of the Numerical Methods educational experience of the Computer Technology Engineering educational program, applied at the Faculty of Electronics and Communications Engineering of the Universidad Veracruzana. The six competencies established in the 2011 Curriculum were considered in the project: Research, Implementation, Planning, Design, Evaluation and Control. Given the situation derived from the Covid-19 Pandemic, the educational experience was taught remotely, using the strategy in solving real-life problems with numerical methods, evaluating evidence of performance individually and by team. Two surveys were applied to evaluate the strategy-methodology, and the Self-assessment of the development of competencies. From the results obtained from “sufficient” to “a lot” in the evaluation of the strategy and metodología, as well as the self-assessment of “Sufficient” of the development of competencies by the students, it is concluded that it contributed significantly to the development of the six disciplinary competencies of the Computer Technology Engineer.
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