2024: 8th Successful Experiences in the Implementation of ICT in Teaching

New Knowledge in the Classroom: Collaborative Work Mediated by ICTs

Marciano Favian Venté Alarcón
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

Published 2024-11-30


  • icts,
  • Academic productivity,
  • planning,
  • creativity,
  • innovation

How to Cite

Venté Alarcón, M. F. (2024). New Knowledge in the Classroom: Collaborative Work Mediated by ICTs. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 23–26. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.vesp1-2024008


This exercise developed in the classroom during the second semester of 2023 became evident through the design of a team-based blog in the Education and Society in the Digital Age course. As a result, 5 blogs designed with the Blogger tool were created by 15 students who reflected on the challenges of education in the digital age.


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