A glance of the study plan of the National School of Social Work. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico
Published 2016-10-06
- Syllabus Plan,
- Perception,
- National School of Social work,
- National Autonomous University of Mexico
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The bachelor in Social Work that is taught in the National School of Social Work of Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) includes 48 theoretical and practical curses and is experiencing a modification process. This process of curricular adaptation gave rise to the necessity of recognition of the perceptions that the students at 9th semester of this institution have about it. Considering that they are reaching the degree, these students provided their view about the way they experienced the teaching-knowledge processes during the already stated bachelor. With the intention of satisfying this need, it was carried out a transversal and exploratory field study of which the independent variable is the curses plan and the dependent variable is the student’s perception. The sample included 119 students at 9th semester from morning and evening sessions, it was applied a non-random proactive sampling and the mode was in 22 years old. Once the survey was applied and the results were analyzed there was found that the most frequently concern was about the integration of the curriculum map.
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