Learning tools based on digital games as a strategy for teaching statistics to Industrial Engineering students
Published 2018-06-30
- teaching technique,
- multimedia method,
- classwork,
- educational games,
- online games
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The present study consists in analyze the impact that the learning tools based on digital games have in the teaching of statistics, on undergraduate students of Industrial Engineering. Particularly, it is referred to the online tool developed by Norwegian researchers and academics known as Kahoot! The methodology used to the research was descriptive. The motivation of the work is twofold; in first place, it analyses the effect that the online-game platforms can have on the attitudes of participants towards the class sessions and, at the same time, to address the perception that the student has on its own acquisition of knowledge. In order to do this, a survey is applied to thirty-three (33) individuals enrolled in a Statistics course of Industrial Engineering. It is found that these techniques positively influence both the motivation and participation of students, and therefore, their understanding of the subject.
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