Vol. 19 No. 2 (2018): Revista Docencia Universitaria

The autonomy of learning: The case of the Business Technology program in the town of San Alberto, Cesar

Andrés Leaño
Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia)
Diana Gabriela Jaramillo
Unidad administrativa ESAP. Bucaramanga

Published 2018-12-28


  • autonomy,
  • open education,
  • distance learning,
  • mental development,
  • learning

How to Cite

Leaño, A., & Jaramillo, D. G. (2018). The autonomy of learning: The case of the Business Technology program in the town of San Alberto, Cesar. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 19(2), 19–29. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistadocencia/article/view/9104


This article refers to a mixed methods research, case study, which was carried out with the intention of looking into the development of autonomous learning abilities by students of the Business Technology program in the town of San Alberto, Cesar, from 2017 to 2018. The sample was nine students per subject: Research Methodology, Human Development, and Knowledge Management. For the study and data collection, interviews, questionnaires, direct observation, and bibliographic review were used.

In the analysis, we perceived the medium-low number of apprentices with autonomous skills and the absence of integral autonomy in their studies. The main lack refers to the low knowledge about Distance Learning (EaD according to its initials in Spanish) when they made the enrollment at the program, knowledge that shows the importance of the autonomy in their learning. Every student in the EaD assumes the responsibility in his formative process and this aspect places them- subject- in the center as the guarantor of the process; which allows the development of their skills to get along in a virtual learning environment with elements of self-determination, decisionmaking, organizational skills, and metacognitive skills.


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