Vol. 22 No. 1 (2023): January - June

Reflective Judgment and Kantian Republicanism: Ideas for Thinking the Political Beyond Revolution, Dogmatism or Traditionalism

Alonso Silva Rojas
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Óscar Giovanny Flantrmskyc Cárdenas
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Orlando Pardo Martínez
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2023-01-02


  • Kant,
  • political philosophy,
  • republicanism,
  • reflective judgment,
  • humanity

How to Cite

Silva Rojas, A., Flantrmskyc Cárdenas, Óscar G., & Pardo Martínez, O. (2023). Reflective Judgment and Kantian Republicanism: Ideas for Thinking the Political Beyond Revolution, Dogmatism or Traditionalism. Revista Filosofía UIS, 22(1), 75–92. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v22n1-2023004


This work of reflection and research goes to the very source of Kantian political thought to show how his republican conception is based on what he calls the reflective use of reason. For this purpose, it has been divided into three parts: In the first, it will be pointed out how Kantian political thought is not based on the theoretical or practical use of reason but on its reflective use, while at the same time pointing out its characteristics. In the second, Kantian political philosophical thought will be developed, taking as an articulating axis his idea of republicanism of a people of demons. And, finally, in the third, it will be shown how, from his reflective conception, a political action in the contemporary world can be thought of, insinuating his opposition to any revolutionary, dogmatic traditionalist or moralistic thought, which does not consider the "structural" limits of the particular moral capacity of human beings.


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