Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2007): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Efecto de la curvatura espacial del universo en el espectro angular de las anisotropías en la temperatura de la radiación cósmica de fondo

Gabriel A. Mariño
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Yeinzon Rodríguez
Universidad Antonio Nariño

Published 2007-09-27


  • spatial curvature,
  • inflation,
  • angular spectrum,
  • cosmic microwave background radiation

How to Cite

A. Mariño, G., & Rodríguez, Y. (2007). Efecto de la curvatura espacial del universo en el espectro angular de las anisotropías en la temperatura de la radiación cósmica de fondo. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 25(2), 131–136. Retrieved from


The inflationary paradigm solves the three classic problems of the standard cosmology: the flatness problem, the horizon problem, and the unwanted relics problem. In particular the flatness problem is solved by explaining how the relative contribution of the spatial curvature of the Universe to the total energy density decreases exponentially during infla-tion. In addition, the inflationary scenario offers us an efficient mechanism to generate small perturbations in the spatial curvature that would explain the anisotropies in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) observed nowadays. The traditional inflationary models that neglect the relative contribution reproduce the recent WMAP observations on the angular spectrum Clof the anisotropies in the tempe­rature of the CMB, but fail in the lowest multipoles where the observations show an unexpected suppression. Such a strange behaviour leads us to pro­pose an analysis of the angular spectrum Cl at large scales (low multipoles) by taking into account the relative contributionand offer a better adjustment to the observed data, revealing in this way the characteristic topology of our observable Universe.



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