Human resources and geographical distance as health access barriers, Caquetá, Colombia, 2020: quantitative analysis and from the perspective of the health system stakeholders
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Barriers to Access of Health Services
Health Services Accessibility
Equity in Access to Health Services
Health Services Coverage
Health Workforce

How to Cite

Beltrán-Cleves, . M. V., Estrada-Montoya, J. H. ., & Durán-Torres, C. F. (2023). Human resources and geographical distance as health access barriers, Caquetá, Colombia, 2020: quantitative analysis and from the perspective of the health system stakeholders. Médicas UIS, 36(3), 31–44.


Introduction: historically, access to health services has been measured through the insurance rates of a population; however, this approach has been widely questioned as it does not provide effective access figures, considering that individuals face various barriers to access the provision of health services, which are exacerbated in remote territories. Objective: to determine if the number of healthcare providers and healthcare professionals, as well as their geographical distribution, constitute barriers to access to health services in the department of Caquetá, Colombia, highlighting the perception of some system actors regarding these issues. Materials and methods: cross-sectional descriptive mixed study. In its quantitative phase, secondary data was collected through database consultation and a distance/travel time measurement system was applied; while in its qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were carried out with health system stakeholders. Results: from the 16 municipalities, 3 have access barriers to health services, 2 by land and 1 by river. There are 1.0 health workers for every 1,000 inhabitants. The findings of the semi-structured interviews were classified into 6 categories. Conclusions: the inhabitants of Caquetá face geographic access barriers and a lack of human resources. The Colombian health system needs to be strengthened from the approach of the social determinants of health in order to mitigate these barriers.
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