Mild lonomic accident attributed to the caterpillar of the lonomia obliqua species in the department of Santander, Colombia, 2021
Autor: John William Waterhouse  Adonis era un joven de extraordinaria belleza, el favorito de la diosa Afrodita. Un día, cazando, un jabalí hirió de muerte al hermoso Adonis. Afrodita se pincha con una espina y  su sangre de diosa se mezcla con sus lágrimas divinas, devolviéndole la vida al joven.
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Arthropod Venoms
Biological Toxins

How to Cite

Villabona Rosales, S. A., Amaya Muñoz, M. C., Rodriguez Vega, K. A., Amaya Muñoz, M. J. ., & Acero Gomez, J. A. (2022). Mild lonomic accident attributed to the caterpillar of the lonomia obliqua species in the department of Santander, Colombia, 2021. Médicas UIS, 35(3), 55–62.


Caterpillars of the genus Lonomia, of the order Lepidoptera, family Saturnidae are of medical interest in South America for being the cause of lonomism, poisoning that is increasing more and more in Colombia, with mortality rates of 2.5%, the severity is variable and they are not mandatory notification, which leads to an underreporting of these events. We present the case of a young adult woman, who went to the emergency room due to the bite of 20 Lonomia caterpillars in thepalm of her left hand, generating local  inflammatory signs, pain and limitation of hand mobility. She was hospitalized for 3 days, classified as mild and treated with analgesia and intravenous antihistamine; which achieved favorable evolution. Therefore, it was concluded that Lonomia caterpillar poisoning is an emergency, which can be fatal. It is important that these events are known in the literature for their proper approach.
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