Caracterización microbiológica de Salmonella en alimentos de venta callejera en un sector universitario de Bogotá, Colombia. Julio a octubre de 2010
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Méndez, I. A., Badillo, C. A., Ortiz Parra, G., & Faccini, Álvaro A. (2011). Caracterización microbiológica de Salmonella en alimentos de venta callejera en un sector universitario de Bogotá, Colombia. Julio a octubre de 2010. Médicas UIS, 24(1). Retrieved from


Microbiological characterization of Salmonella in Street-vended foods an university sector in Bogotá, Colombia. julyoctober2010Introduction. Salmonella belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family, and is one of the main microorganisms involved in foodbornedisease. It produces a clinical entity known as salmonelosis can manifest as two different pathological processes, typhoid feveror gastroenteritis. The objective of this research was to demonstrate the presence of Salmonella spp. in street-vended foodsin an area bounded by Universities in the city of Bogotá and its subsequent characterization by means of clinical microbiologytechniques. Materials and Methods. Observational cross sectional study. Was analyze 42 samples of street-vended foods obtainedthrough a non-probability sampling, the isolation of Salmonella spp. was performed following the method proposed by the Foodand Drug Administration, performing biochemical identification and serological tests for Salmonella spp. and antimicrobialsusceptibility testing. Results. Growth was detected in a total of 18 samples (42.9%), of which only 2 were positive for Salmonellaenterica with a 11.1%, 11 out of 18 samples were positive for other bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae (61.1%)and 5 samples without profile identified (27.8%). The samples tested were susceptible to ciprofloxacin susceptibility, showingresistance to Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole, Chloramphenicol and Ampicillin. Conclusions. This investigation established thepresence of Salmonella enterica and other Enterobacteriaceae in street-vended foods, showing a high risk to the health ofresidents and student population of a university sector in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.

Key words: Salmonella. Foodborne Diseases. Serotyping.

PDF (Español (España))


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