Normal parameters of hemoglobin and hematocrit in university students of 16 to 35 years-old from Tabasco, Mexico,2006Objective: To obtain central tendency and dispersion measures of blood hemoglobin and hematocrit in healthy clinicallystudents of 16 to 35 years-old, of new admission to Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT), Mexico. Material andmethods: We achieved a cross-sectional descriptive study, where starting with a universe of 3058 persons was excluded632 for age out study interval, declared clinically disease, pregnancy and/or native State different to Tabasco, Mexico. Westudied a no randomized sample of 2426 healthy clinically persons to who we did register age and gender, and we achievedhematic biometry. We determined hemoglobin and hematocrit normal parameters obtaining percentilar distribution stratifiedby five-years groups and gender with 90% of confidence (p=0,1). Results: 50.2% of persons was females and 49,8% was males.The predominant age group was 16-20 years (83.5%) follow by 21-25 years (12.7%), the remaining groups no obtained a sufficientnumber of persons for we to emit conclusions concerning to obtained information. The normal parameters (P10-P90)for females was: 12,10-14,50 g/dL (16-20 years) and 12,30-14,55 g/dL (21-25 years); and for males: 14,20-16,90 g/dL (16-20years) and 14,30-16,90 g/dL (21-25 years). Conclusions: The hemoglobin normal parameters in 16-25 years-old persons of thisseries was higher to known normal parameters, specially in males, demonstrating the variability of normal parameters of thisvariable of a region to another.
Key words: Hemoglobin. Hematocrit. Altitude. Adolescents. Adults. Normal distribution.
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