Fracaso de la hormona sintética paratiroidea (teriparatida) en el tratamiento del hipoparatiroidismo posquirúrgico
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Restrepo-Valencia, C. A., & Manjarres-Iglesias, G. (2011). Fracaso de la hormona sintética paratiroidea (teriparatida) en el tratamiento del hipoparatiroidismo posquirúrgico. Médicas UIS, 24(1). Retrieved from



Therapeutic failure of synthetic parathyroid hormone (teriparatide) in treatment of postsurgical hypoparathyroidism.It is presented a male patient with chronic renal failure and postsurgical hypoparathyroidism treated with calcitriol andcalcium carbonate in which renal transplant was practiced. Months later, he had severe hipocalcemia and hyperphosphatemiarefracting to high doses of calcitriol and calcium carbonate, opting to use of teriparatide, an aminoterminal fragment (1-34)synthetic of parathyroid hormone, with transient improvement. Then, the patient developed resistance to teriparatidedespite its use to non-conventional dose (120 μgs) making necessary its suspension and re-use high doses of calcitriol andcalcium carbonate to achieve stabilization. Hyperphosphatemia was treated subsequently with oral phosphate binders.

Keywords: Chronic renal failure. Hypoparathyroidism. Synthetic PTH. Teriparatide. Hypercalcemia.

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