Dermatosis cenicienta - eritema discrómico perstans
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Eritema discrómico perstans

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Forero Laguado, N. (2012). Dermatosis cenicienta - eritema discrómico perstans. Médicas UIS, 25(1). Retrieved from


Ashy dermatosis – erythema dyschromicum perstansThe ashy dermatosis or erythema dyschromicum perstans was described by Oswaldo Ramírez from El Salvador in 1957. It is an acquired,chronic, idiopathic hypermelanosis of long-standing evolution that is characterized by blue-gray color macules that look like ash. It usuallyaffects the face, neck, trunk, and extremities. Most of the cases have been reported in Latin America and Asia. It usually affects darkskin people of both sexes and from ages ranging from one to eighty years. The diagnosis is achieved by clínico-pathological correlationbecause of the similarities with other disease such as lichen planus pigmentosus and idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation. Sinceits discovery, many therapeutic regimes have been tried, but dapsone and clofazimine are the most effective choices. The clinical caseis about a 41 year old woman with gray lesions on the face, neck and arms, who was diagnosed by dermatologist like xerosis and lichenplanus, handled for 3 years with moisturizers creams, corticosteroids and antihistamines until a biopsy specimen was taken, the ashydermatosis was identified and the treatment with clofazimine was started, producing great improvement.(MÉD.UIS. 2011;25(1):79-85).Key words: Erythema dischromicum perstans. Hypermelanosis. Dapsone. Clofazimine.

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