ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions associated with meat consumption and nutritional variables such as the body mass index, body weight and daily intake of kilocalories in college students. Materials and Metho
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Álvarez Miño, L., Salazar Ceballos, A., & Yulaini Díaz Rojano, Y. (2014). ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions associated with meat consumption and nutritional variables such as the body mass index, body weight and daily intake of kilocalories in college students. Materials and Metho. Médicas UIS, 27(3), 47–55. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistamedicasuis/article/view/4879


Objective: to identify the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions associated with meat consumption and nutritional variables such as the body mass index, body weight and daily intake of kilocalories in college students. Materials and Methods: a correlation study was conducted on a random sample of 302 students of the faculty of health sciences at the University of Magdalena. The information was collected through an instrument of eating habits based on the National Survey of Nutritional Status in Colombia 2010. Beginning with the information provided about the daily eating habits of students, daily kilocalories were calculated, and body mass index calculation was made based on body weight and height from each student. Finally, the calculation of the carbon dioxide emission was made from the daily servings of meat consumed by each student. Results: 65% of students consumed a single serving of 100 grams of meat daily. A significant positive correlation between the equivalent carbon dioxide emitted by meat consumption with body weight (p < 0.01), with the daily kilocalorie consumption (p < 0.01) and body mass index (p < 0.05) was found. Conclusions: because the increase in body weight, kilocalorie consumption and body mass index resulted positively related to the equivalent of carbon dioxide emitted by meat consumption, it should be promoted in the student population maintaining healthy dietary practices for themselves and for the environment. MÉD.UIS. 2014;27(3):47-55.

Keywords: Carbon Footprint. Carbon Dioxide. Food Consumption. Meat. Body Mass Index. Body Weight. Energy Intake. Climate Change.

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