Communication strategies to join the community to breast cancer early detection programs
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How to Cite

Toquica Espitia, A. M., Cuéllar Rivera, D. I., & Chávez Bejarano, D. R. (2015). Communication strategies to join the community to breast cancer early detection programs. Médicas UIS, 28(2), 231–239. Retrieved from


This topic review aims to recognize different communication strategies implemented for community involving programs for early detection of breast cancer. We conducted a narrative review of literature looking to encourage an overview of the experience of communication linking the community as a strategy in these programs. We considered documents which reported communication strategies to bring women to breast cancer screening, excluding researchs based on different methods, opinion articles, editorials or content of treatment programs; the search was restricted to articles published from 2000 to 2013 on the spanish and english languages without particular geographical delimitation. In order to transmit information relative to the screening of breast cancer, different media with different outcome were used, without complete evidence of its efficacy. The advances in communications technology, particularly media via internet have opened interesting possibilities to intervene and influence the course of the fight against cancer. Ministries of Health face various orders challenges to create and support health care programs that may improve prognosis in breast cancer. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(2):229-37.

Keywords: Breast Neoplasms. Mass Screening. Patient Participation. Social Participation. Health Communication.

PDF (Español (España))


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