Peer review of research projects showed to a Health Research Local Committee. Tabasco, Mexico, 2009
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Zavala-González, M. A. (2015). Peer review of research projects showed to a Health Research Local Committee. Tabasco, Mexico, 2009. Médicas UIS, 28(3), 317–325.


Introduction: Frequently they found fails in research projects and reports, and your study show continuing education needs. Objective: to identify errors in projects presented to Health Research Local Committee of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social from Tabasco, Mexico, during 2009. Material and methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive design. Universe: 62 projects presented in 2009. Sample: no randomized for convenience. Inclusion criteria: projects presented and ruled in 2009 that and counted with peer review files. Variables: verdicts, reviewers, presentation errors, introduction errors, method errors, ethic methods. Information source: peer review files based on “Research projects evaluation guide” of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Procedures: systematization of peer review information. Analysis: descriptive statistic. Software: Epi Info© version 3.3.2 for WindowsTM environment. Results: 50 research projects were ruled: 32 authorized (64%), 10 non-authorized (20%), 8 with modification and sending back to peer-review (16%). As the most frecuent errors, were found: incorrect syntax and spelling 62%, inadequate informed consent letter 45%, lack of appropriate foundation 36%, insufficient description of procedures 36%. Conclusions: The most frequents errors in the research projects presented to the Health Research Local Committee of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social were about the ethical considerations and the redaction. For this reason to qualify in these aspects to health personnel of institution that carry out and advice on research works is required. MÉD UIS. 2015;28(3):317-25. Keywords: Research. Manuscripts, Medical. Ethics Committees. Research. Peer Review. Protocols
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