Fever of unknown origin is a rare entity which is defined as fever that persists for more than three weeks of intense clinical research with diversity and complexity in its etiology, clinical approach and therapeutic approach. Countless cases are resolved without determining unfortunately a definitive diagnosis, symptoms and geared just for paraclinical findings incomplete. For this reason, this paper presents a case of a child under 13 years of age with intermittent fever of 39-40°C for one month duration who is relevant studies conducted during five weeks of hospitalization to determine the cause, assigning the diagnosis of Still’s disease by single determinations as some symptoms reported and ferritin value suggestive of pathology found. From this, the aim of this paper is to recognize the difficulty masking the diagnosis and therapeutic management of the disease, especially in children. MÉD UIS. 2016;29(1):61-9.
Keywords: Fever of Unknown Origin. Ferritins. Rheumatology. Arthritis Juvenile.
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