Metformin: beyond the glycemic target
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Morantes-Caballero, J. A., Londoño-Zapata, G. A., Rubio-Rivera, M., & Pinilla-Roa, A. E. (2017). Metformin: beyond the glycemic target. Médicas UIS, 30(1), 57–71.


the metformin is a biguanide which main action is to decrease hepatic glucose output, primarily by decreasing gluconeogenesis, and increase glucose uptake by muscles. However, beyond the glycemic target, additional benefits have been documented like a decrease in chronic complications to hyperglycemia, including cardiovascular comorbility and metabolic syndrome. Objetive: to identify
effects of metformin other than glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus in order to help disseminate knowledge. Materials and methods: three independent reviewers searched in different databases of PubMed and ScienceDirect using the DeCS and MeSH terms: Metfomin AND Cardiovascular disease AND inflamatory response AND Hyperlipidemia, Biguanides, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes complications,Obesity, Vascular diseases AND Cancer, selecting the items since 2010 year and prior to warrant mention. Search based publications that were considered most relevant and, additionally, a manual search of the referenced articles in publications retrieved in the initial search was conducted, 13 828 articles were found but 144 were included finally. Conclusion: beyond glycemic control, Metformin, modifies the “metabolic memory”, reduces inflammatory mediators and thickness of arterial wall, decreases thrombotic factors and reduces the prevalence of heart failure making an impact morbidity and mortality and because of molecular or genetic changes, it has potential use as anticarcinogenic. The physicians should know it to facilitate the early administration of this medication when it is indicated.
MÉD.UIS. 2017;30(1):57-71.

Keywords: Metformin. Diabetes Mellitus. AMP-Activated Protein Kinases. Neoplasms. Obesity. Vascular Diseases.
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