Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Precision Agriculture in Coffee Crops
Published 2024-12-01
- Deep Learning,
- coffea arabica,
- convolutional neural networks,
- precision agriculture
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the agribusiness sector by facilitating tasks such as weather prediction, pest and disease detection, and optimization of water and fertilizer use. These applications not only increase the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural systems, but also improve productivity and resilience to climate change. This paper conducts a systematic review on the use of AI in coffee production, analyzing studies found in recognized databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore and Google Scholar. The search included combinations of keywords tailored to capture relevant studies, such as “coffee” AND “machine learning”, “artificial intelligence” AND “precision agriculture”, “pest detection” OR “neural networks”, and “sustainability”. Initially 452 articles were identified, of which 85 met the inclusion criteria after a rigorous screening and exclusion process. The review identified that AI applications in coffee production are mainly focused on the early detection of diseases such as coffee rust using computer vision and convolutional neural networks, the optimization of intelligent irrigation systems that integrate sensors and algorithms to reduce water consumption by up to 20%, and the use of agricultural robotics to improve operational efficiency and decrease labor dependence. The technologies also promote more sustainable practices and improve traceability in the coffee supply chain. The results of this review shed light on how AI techniques can optimize coffee production and contribute to the development of more efficient and sustainable agricultural systems. This work provides a framework that can be useful for guiding future research and guiding producers towards resilient practices in the face of climate change and increasing sustainability demands.
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