Micromechanical approach for the analysis of wave propagation in particulate composites
Published 2019-01-23
- wave propagation,
- self-consistent,
- viscoelastic composites,
- particulate composites
How to Cite
Laser ultrasonic non-destructive testing is widely used for the inspection of mechanical structures. This method uses the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves (UGW) in the media. It has been demonstrated that the addition of a thin composite layer between the laser source and the structure for inspection is necessary. Consequently, this composite is an optoacoustic transducer composed of an absorption material as carbon for inclusions and an expanding material as an elastomer for the matrix. Thus, optimal fabrication of this composite should enable the amplification of the signal for inspection. Indeed, experimental research has demonstrated that variation in the volume fraction of carbon inclusions, their shape and the nature of the matrix affect the amplification of the signal directly. The aim of this study is to analyse the wave propagation in particulate viscoelastic composites by a dynamic self-consistent approach.
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