Vol. 18 No. 3 (2019): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Obtaining samples of oxides at low cost

Miryam Rincón-Joya
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Jose Jose Barba-Ortega
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Elaine París
Embrapa Instrumentação, Centro de pesquisa Agropecuaria

Published 2019-04-05


  • sol-gel,
  • optical methods,
  • nanomaterials

How to Cite

Rincón-Joya, M., Barba-Ortega, J. J., & París, E. (2019). Obtaining samples of oxides at low cost. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 18(3), 33–38. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v18n3-2019003


The samples obtained are nanopaticules of Iron oxide, copper oxide and Titanium nanotubes. The first two were obtained by the Sol-Gel, polymeric precursors and the third sample by the chemical anodization method. The samples were characterized by optical methods such as Raman, X-rays and scanning electron microscopy. The methods used to obtain the samples are chemical methods from which excellent samples can be obtained at a low cost and with the use of simple laboratories, especially in Colombia where the investment in research laboratories is low so far.


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