Types of inverters and topologies for microgrid applications Juan David Bastidas Rodriguez, Carlos Andrés Ramos Paja 7-14 PDF HTML (Español (España))
Evaluation based on the gradient method of the elastic properties of human tissues in vivo Enrique Nadal Soriano, María José Rupérez, Sandra Martínez Sanchis, Carlos Monserrat Aranda, Manuel Tur, Francisco J Fuenmayor 15-22 PDF (Español (España))
Stress recovery for the polygonal finite element method Octavio Andrés González-Estrada, Sundararajan Natarajan, Carlos Graciano 23-34 PDF (Español (España)) HTML (Español (España))
The intelligent power switch and the sub-measurement circuit as tools for residential energy management Luis Fernando Rueda Vásquez, Jaime Guillermo Barrero Pérez, César Antonio Duarte Gualdrón 35-46 PDF (Español (España)) HTML (Español (España))
Development of a passive Rehabilitation Robot for the wrist joint through the implementation of an Arduino UNO microcontroller Edgar Armando Ceballos, Miguel Ángel Díaz Rodríguez, José Luis Paredes, Pedro Vargas 59-68 PDF (Español (España)) HTML (Español (España))
Comfort Testing in Office Chair Design Fernanda Maradei García, Zuli Galindo Estupiñan, Javier Castellanos Olarte 69-74 PDF HTML (Español (España))
Electronic voting system with features of SSL / TLS and IPsec security in Colombia Sonia Elizabeth Cardenas Urrea, William Navarro Núñez, Hugo Enrique Sarmiento Osorio, Nelson Augusto Forero Paez, Raul Bareño Gutierrez 75-84 PDF (Español (España)) HTML (Español (España))
Evolution of geometrical design parameters for cast in place bridges built using the cantilever method Ruben Valle Pascual, Nestor Fredy Carvajal Monsalve, Juan Carlos Botero Palacio 85-100 PDF (Español (España)) HTML (Español (España))
Evaluation of the tribological properties of metal matrix composite materials (MMCs) obtained by additive manufacturing using selective laser melting (SLM) Elkin Martínez, Octavio Andrés González-Estrada, Alejandro Martínez 101-114 PDF (Español (España)) HTML (Español (España))
Geometric description scheme for crack propagation by a geometric description based on Level Sets and Fast Marching Method Vicente Francisco González Albuixech, Eugenio Giner, José Enrique Tarancón 47-58 PDF (Español (España)) HTML (Español (España))