Vol 44, No 3 (2022): Boletín de Geología
Issue Description
Cover: Panoramic photograph taken to the west of the municipality of Rovira-Tolima. In the foreground there is a low relief with a primary forest developed on the Honda Group of Miocene age (13.8 - 11.8 Ma), in the background inclined hills that represent the foothills of the Ortega Granite of Permian age (297 to 257 Ma), previously considered as part of the Ibagué Batholith that has crystallization ages between the middle Jurassic and the lower Cretaceous (171.5±1.3 and 137.9±1.0 Ma), in the background the relief of the Luisa Formation (of probable Triassic age) that rests discordantly on rocks of the Ortega Granite.
Author: Carlos Sabrica (Geólogo - Servicio Geológico Colombiano)