Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022): julio - diciembre

OVA As a Strategy for Learning Fractions

Lewins de Jesús Baena-Rodríguez
Universidad Los Libertadores, Colombia
Gil Lorduy Castro
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Derly Rocio Aldana-Ahumada
Universidad de Santander, Colombia

Published 2022-12-30


  • education,
  • pedagogy,
  • ICT,
  • significant learning

How to Cite

Baena-Rodríguez, L. de J. ., Lorduy Castro, G. ., & Aldana-Ahumada, D. R. (2022). OVA As a Strategy for Learning Fractions. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 23(2), 45–63. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v23n2-2022005


The research was based on the field experience with a group of students in the seventh grade of the Madre Gabriela Educational Institution in 2019, in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. First, it was analyzed how the mathematical performance of the students could be improved with respect to the subject of fractional numbers, through the application of a software was implemented a pedagogical strategy of meaningful and autonomous learning, oriented to the motivation of students, adapting the traditional activities of evaluation in fractional numbers to the Virtual Learning Object (hereinafter VLO) proposed as a strategy that allows visualizing the before and after exercise with the technological tool and describing the importance and actions to be performed based on the learning of seventh grade mathematics for the advancement to higher levels. The research is typified as a quantitative experimental study, conceived from a descriptive approach. This process adopted a statistical method of application and analysis of hypotheses through contingency tables, within which were recorded the data of the experience before and after the adoption of the computer application, to a group of 60 students; the findings allowed concluding that the final results of the evaluations are not unrelated or independent of the change in the pedagogical strategy used in the proposed software. From this, it is concluded that the use of Virtual Learning Objects mediated by pedagogical strategies facilitates the learning process and performance of students in a significant way.


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