2023: 7th Successful Experiences in the Implementation of ICT in Teaching

CROIS - Challenges that transform

Germán Acevedo Rodríguez
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2024-04-05


  • apprenticeship,
  • creativity workshop,
  • business model innovation,
  • project

How to Cite

Acevedo Rodríguez, G. (2024). CROIS - Challenges that transform. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 23–25. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.vesp1-2023008


Iaprendizajen this work present the development of a Virtual Learning Object (VLO) to promote awareness of the business environment by activating simple practices in their immediate context to accelerate the way they pinpoint problems, challenges and optimize ideas. It focused on solving serious problems outside the classroom and its strategy was based on understanding the phases of a creative thinking process applied to business.



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