Vol. 25 No. 2 (2024): july - december

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences to strengthen the learning of Mathematics

Nelsy Angélica Barrera
Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia

Published 2024-09-25


  • inteligencias múltiples,
  • aprendizaje,
  • matemáticas,
  • estrategias pedagógicas,
  • didáctica

How to Cite

Barrera, N. A. (2024). Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences to strengthen the learning of Mathematics. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 25(2), 73–82. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v25n2-2024006


Deficiencies in teaching, product of pedagogical strategies based on traditional methodologies from the perspective of technological and scientific advances, affect the teaching processes in students, generating high possibilities of school dropout, low academic performance and even more important, poor results in international tests such as those applied for the OECD's International Student Assessment (PISA) or in national tests, such as the Saber tests. A qualitative research process was conducted for the remediation of this problem, which focuses on strengthening learning processes through the Howard Gardner theory of multiple intelligences in the classroom, using a qualitative approach, with a pedagogical action design, collecting data by means of 3 collection instruments (semi-structured interview, field diary and diagnostic evaluation) and applying for a period of 3 months a curricular modification to the area of mathematics of 5 students of the 5th grade of the educational institution San Ignacio Municipality of El Playón, Santander. The results obtained showed an improvement in motivation, perception of learning and group work in each of the 6 activities proposed.


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