Organic Evolution Seen from Tomism as Steps from Beings in Power to Beings in Act Carlos Hugo Prosperi Sitano 19-40 PDF (Español (España))
About Suicide in Spinoza's Ethics and its Possible Relationships with Freud's Psychoanalysis Andrés Felipe Palacio Pérez 41-57 PDF (Español (España))
The Social Thought of Fray Pedro Bustos and the Role of Saving in the Solution of the Social Question Nelson Manuel Alvarado Sánchez 59-78 PDF (Español (España))
The Nature of Evil: A Problem for the Human Being Juan José Láriz Durón 79-100 PDF (Español (España))
Approach to Constitutivism: Objective and Structure of the Constitutivist Foundation of Moral Norms Cristian Andrés Zapata Vélez 101-124 PDF (Español (España))
The Unheimlich and his Capacity to «Detonate» our Hermeneutical Condition Orlando Ortega Chacón 155-176 PDF (Español (España))
Some Philosophical and Legal Reflections on the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances Andrés Botero Bernal 177-199 PDF (Español (España))
The Social Ecosystem and Individual Survival Modes. Criteria for Studying Corruption and Criminality Luis Alejandro Bustamante Fontecha 201-228 PDF (Español (España))
State of the Art: Democratic Formation in Colombia from the Teaching of Philosophy Arlex Berrio Peña 229-252 PDF (Español (España))
Fluctuations in Contemporary Argentine Poetry: Fernández Moreno, Perlongher, Dobry Bruno Andrés Longoni Torti 253-269 PDF (Español (España))
Manuel Zapata Olivella and Psychoaffectivity. Approximations from Michel Foucault's Counter-Conduct Concept Eddy Daniel Hincapié Vásquez 271-291 PDF (Español (España))
Translation. The Philosophical Legacy of Theodor W. Adorno Leandro Sánchez Marín 293-303 PDF (Español (España))
Translation. Wittig's Material Practice: Universalizing a Minority Point of View, by Judith Butler Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento 305-319 PDF (Español (España))
Review. Anteo’s Smartphone: Technology and Ecology in the Anthropocene Henar Lanza González 321-325 PDF (Español (España))
Review. From the Factory to the Metropolis Luis Alberto Jiménez Morales 327-332 PDF (Español (España))