Occupational hazards and risks in thermoelectric plants: a review of the literature from 2007 to 2017
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Risk factors
Thermoelectric power plants
Occupational risks
Occupational health
Power plants
Magnetic fields
Greenhouse gases

How to Cite

Guzmán-González, yazhir. (2020). Occupational hazards and risks in thermoelectric plants: a review of the literature from 2007 to 2017. Salud UIS, 52(3), 239–250. https://doi.org/10.18273/revsal.v52n3-2020006


Introduction: the demand for electric power, goes hand in hand with the population increasing, to satisfy it, the power generation capacity must be ensured, this would encourage the construction of thermal plants; increasing the exposition of workers to the thermoelectric plant dangers. This review aims to identify which  risks and dangers in thermoelectric plants have been studied in the world for the period 2007-2017. Objective: identify the main hazards to which thermoelectric workers are exposed through a literature review. Materials and methods: a systematic review was carried out taking into account the recommendations of the PRISMA guide, studies were taken into account about the risk factors to which thermal power plant operations personnel are exposed; Two algorithms with DeCS and MeSH descriptors were established in the Scopus, PubMed, Scient Direct and Google academic databases, with 21 publications meeting the inclusion criteria. Results: the most relevant hazards for thermoelectric workers are physical, ergonomic, chemical, biological and psychosocial. Conclusion: thermoelectric workers are exposed to various hazards that may increase the risk of respiratory, musculoskeletal, hearing loss, cancer, leukemia and its variety, pericarditis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, genetic and cellular damage; It could also be evidenced that the effect on health by exposure in magnetic fields requires more in-depth studies.

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