Introduction: Polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing have been related to multiple variables, including sociodemographic, however the evidence is limited and heterogeneous. Objective: To evaluate the association between polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing in adults over 60 years old according to their social class. Material and methods: A pilot cross-sectional population-based study in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, with a sample of 135 adults over 60 years old. A survey was conducted where sociodemographics, health status in the last month, comorbidities, drugs of chronic use and functionality according to scales were registered. Results: No statistical association was found between inappropriate prescribing and Polypharmacy amongst social class and education level (P=0.639). Nevertheless, having an affiliation with a subsidized social security system was significantly associated with infra prescription (P <0.029). The existence of monthly income was associated with the presence of polypharmacy (P <0.029) and inadequate prescribing (P <0.033). Conclusions: There exists an association between some socioeconomic variables, the number of practicing physicians and some medical specialties with polypharmacy and inadequate prescription of drugs.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maria José Albarracín Ruiz, Silvia Juliana Bueno-Florez, Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez-Bohorquez, Angie Lorena Blanco-Guarín, Miguel Oswaldo Cadena-Sanabria