Introduction: The measurement and evaluation of labor competencies, in outpatient pharmacy staff, must combine aspects related to knowledge (who knows), skills (as it does) and attitudes (in what way it does). Objective: Identify and select the guidelines and recommendations on labor competencies required by outpatient pharmacy staff and build an instrument for their measurement. Methodology: A structured review was carried out in two phases: a) the functions/ domains, performance criteria (skills and attitudes), knowledge, competency frameworks established internationally, and measurement instruments reported were reviewed and selected in the literature; and b) the necessary labor competencies were identified in accordance with Colombian regulations and with the processes of the outpatient Pharmaceutical Establishments (drugstores and pharmacies-drugstores). Finally, the measuring instrument was built by a panel of experts. Results: Labor competencies established by international regulation organizations. were identified. A total of 993 articles were reviewed that reported the measurement and evaluation of competencies, selecting and analyzing 9 references. Competency frameworks from different countries were analyzed. The regulations in Colombia on the subject were analyzed. The constructed instrument contains 101 competencies distributed in the following components: a) provision of patient care; b) personal; c) troubleshooting; and d) management and organization. Conclusion: The international guidelines and recommendations were reviewed and analyzed, in addition, the Colombian regulations to identify the labor competencies required by the pharmacy staff for the correct functioning of the outpatient Pharmaceutical Establishments, and from this, an instrument was built of measurement to evaluate them.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Javier Mauricio Ceballos Rueda, Andrea Salazar-Ospina, Pedro Amariles-Muñoz