Behavioral trace of the serial sexual assailant from the inductive criminal profiling
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Sexual offender
Sexual offense
Psychological profile
Criminal profiling
Violent crimes
Sexual murder
Sexual homicide

How to Cite

Larrota-Castillo, R., Méndez-Ferreira, A.-F., Rangel, K.-. J., & Sierra-Mosquera, A. P. (2020). Behavioral trace of the serial sexual assailant from the inductive criminal profiling. Salud UIS, 52(3).


Criminal profiling has sparked interest both in the academic context and in daily life, due to the multiplicity of aberrant cases that occur day by day in the world. That is why the objective of this article was to identify the light of the statistical approach by facets, from inductive criminal profiling, behavioral patterns inferred from the information available at the crime scene of the cases of Luis Alfredo Garavito's case. Cubillo, alias "La Bestia", who rapes and murdered more than 172 children and Javier Velasco Valenzuela, who murdered, raped and tortured Rosa Elvira Cely in the form of impalement.
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