COVID-19 epidemic in Colombia: from the “peak” of the emergency to the sustainability of the response
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Rodríguez-Villamizar, L. A. (2020). COVID-19 epidemic in Colombia: from the “peak” of the emergency to the sustainability of the response. Salud UIS, 52(4), 462–466.


On March 6, 2020, the first case of SARS-Cov-2 infection was identified in Colombia. After six months of development of the epidemic in Colombia, most cities in the country have experienced an acute period of rise in cases and deaths as well as the devastating consequences on their economies. In the national and regional environment, government and citizen exhaustion is perceived due to the impact of the epidemic in terms of the number of infected and deceased and the time elapsed with the mandatory preventive isolation measures that lasted from March 25 to September 1 throughout the national territory. However, we are still far from being close to the end of the epidemic and in this new stage it is necessary to move from the centrality of the initial response to the sustainability of the regional response.
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