Risk perception, self-medication, myths, and beliefs related with COVID-19 among Peruvian head of households
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How to Cite

Cano-Gómez, L. C., Castillo-Tejada, R. D., & Mena-Ordoñez, S. S. . (2022). Risk perception, self-medication, myths, and beliefs related with COVID-19 among Peruvian head of households. Salud UIS, 54. https://doi.org/10.18273/saluduis.54.e:22003


Introduction: More than a year after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of infections and deaths is still beyond the control of hospital management. In addition to fear, myths, beliefs, self-medication and inadequate risk perception in the population have increased. Objective: To identify the perception of risk, self-medication, myths and prevention beliefs regarding COVID-19 in adult heads of household in the Gregorio Albarracín district of Tacna in 2020. Method: A survey was administered to a representative sample of 250 heads of household, residing in the Gregorio Albarracín district. Results: The total average of the group in risk perception expressed as a percentage was 60.96% (59.81-62.11) out of a total expected ideal of 100%. The perception of "being at risk in the pandemic" is low. Only 15.20% adhered to strict home isolation when instructed to do so. The 14.8% self-medicated and in this group, the products used were ivermectin (48.6%) and chlorine dioxide (45.9%). The most frequent myths and beliefs were "spraying with alcohol or chlorine kills the virus" "home remedies can cure or prevent coronavirus" and there was difference according to age (p<0.05), educational level (p<0.001). Conclusions: Self-medication was strongly associated with high-risk perception (p<0.001) and presence of myths and beliefs (p<0.001). Educational level was highly associated with the presence of myths and beliefs (p<0.001).

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Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Carlos Cano Gómez, Rene Domingo Castillo-Tejada, Sissy Soledad Mena Ordoñez


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