Neuroepidemiologic study in Colombia based on administrative data (ESENCIA). Preliminary results 2015-2017
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Nervous System Diseases
Alzheimer Disease

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Pinilla-Monsalve, G. D., Vergara-Aguilar, J. P., Machado-Noguera, B., Gutiérrez-Baquero, J., Cabezas-Vargas, Z., & Bejarano-Hernández, J. (2021). Neuroepidemiologic study in Colombia based on administrative data (ESENCIA). Preliminary results 2015-2017. Salud UIS, 53.


Introduction: With the demographic and epidemiological transition, the prevalence of neurological pathologies is expected to increase. In particular, Colombia does not have updated indicators regarding the frequency of these diseases. Objective: To determine the prevalence of ten relevant neurological pathologies (migraine, epilepsy, Alzheimer›s disease, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, Parkinson›s disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, meningitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and motor neuron disease) in patients aged ≥15 years between 2015-2017. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study of administrative sources, based on the Individual Service Provision Registries (RIPS) consolidated by the Ministry of Health. The available socio- demographic characteristics (sex, age group, health regime, origin, etc.) were analyzed, and the obtained prevalences were adjusted according to the distributions of the world and national population. Results: For 2017, the prevalences adjusted to the world age distribution, per 100,000 inhabitants, were: migraine 2170 (95%CI 2164-2176); epilepsy 586 (95%CI 583-589); Alzheimer›s disease 387 (95% CI 384-389); stroke 263 (95%CI 260-265), specifically, ischemic 136 (95%CI 134-137) and hemorrhagic (95% CI 95-98); Parkinson’s disease 91 (95%CI 90-93), multiple sclerosis 19 (95%CI 18-19); myasthenia gravis 11 (95%CI 11-11); meningitis 10 (95%CI 9-10); Guillain-Barré syndrome 9 (95%CI 8-9); and motor neuron disease 6 (95%CI 5-6). The 2015-2017 median variation was 19.38%. Conclusion: The most prevalent pathologies nationwide, in order of frequency, were migraine, epilepsy, and Alzheimer›s disease.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriel David Pinilla-Monsalve, Jean Paul Vergara-Aguilar, Belen Machado-Noguera, Julián Gutiérrez-Baquero, Zaida Cabezas-Vargas, Juliana Bejarano-Hernández


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