Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; vaccination joins interventions to address this serious public health crisis. To date, the health authorities of many LAC countries have issued emergency authorization to use 6 different vaccines with proven efficacy and safety, and several more vaccines are in phase 3 clinical trials. Two months into the campaigns, most of the post-vaccination reactions that have been reported have been mild or moderate. However, progress in vaccination campaigns has been very uneven among LAC countries. Among the challenges faced in the region are: insufficient global production; weaknesses in national health systems and corruption; as well as distrust of vaccines, fueled by the disinformation epidemic.
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Ayala Martínez A Mitad enojo, mitad esperanza: vacunación inicia entre el caos y la desinformación en Puebla. Animal Político. 2021. https://www.animalpolitico.com/2021/02/vacunacion-puebla-inicia-caos-desinformacion/
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