Proposal for an information management system to improve the efficiency of the prevention-and-early-detection process of breast cancer in Colombia
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Breast neoplasms
Mammographic density
Organizational Efficiency
Management Information Systems

How to Cite

Castillo-Moreno, L. A., Ramírez-Suárez, O. L., & Corredor-Figueroa, A. P. (2024). Proposal for an information management system to improve the efficiency of the prevention-and-early-detection process of breast cancer in Colombia. Salud UIS, 56.


Introduction: In 2020 the World Health Organization reports that breast cancer is one of the five types of cancer with the highest human mortality worldwide. In Colombia, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection announces in the “Plan decenal para el control del cáncer en Colombia, 2012-2021” ("Ten-Year Plan for Cancer Control in Colombia, 2012-2021") that this pathology heads the list of cancer that claims the most lives of women in the country. Therefore, breast cancer acquires great importance in public health, and the need for arising and developing strategies that contribute its prevention and early detection. Objective: propose an information management system to increase and optimize the efficiency for the breast-cancer-detection-and-prevention process in Colombia. Methodology: based on an analysis of information for: appointment assignment processes, breast cancer diagnosis, taking and reading mammograms in Colombia; the temporal efficiency for each of these steps is studied. Consequently, the requirements of an information management system that optimizes such efficiency are considered and discussed. Results: regardless of the treatment assigned to the patient, critical points are found in each step of such a treatment. More than three months of delays for each stage of treatment make its efficiency unnecessarily low. This inefficiency can be significantly reduced by implementing the management system proposed in this study. Discussion: delays during breast cancer treatment lead to develop this disease, or to reduce the chances of controlling or preventing it in time. Therefore, an efficient management of information and the available resources is mandatory. Here we propose an information management system that, if implemented, can significantly reduce patient waiting times from years or months to days, hours or minutes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lourdes Andrea Castillo-Moreno, Oscar Leonardo Ramírez-Suárez, Adriana Patricia Corredor-Figueroa


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