Introduction: Millions of Venezuelans have emigrated due to their country’s socio-economic crisis in the last decade; Colombia has been their main destination. To adopt relevant policies to address the problem, it is important to assess the impact of migration on public health interest events such as HIV infection. However, information on the health status of immigrants and its repercussions on public health in Colombia is scarce. Objective: Outline how the Venezuelan migration phenomenon has impacted HIV notification within Colombia. Methodology: Through an
integral calculation, the area under the curves of total and imported HIV cases reported to the National Public Health Surveillance System of Colombia are compared. Incidence measures are carried out among the migrant population and the Colombian regions with the highest concentration of migrants are analyzed in greater depth. Results: The curve of HIV cases imported from Venezuela has a smaller contribution (2.26%) in the increase of cases notified in Colombia. Conclusions: The migratory crisis is not the main cause responsible for the increase in cases in Colombia. Other factors involved in the spread of the pandemic at the local level must be evaluated.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Omar D. Molina-Lubo