Introduction: Heart rate variability (HRV) is used in patients at risk of sudden death and in the training of athletes for the analysis of cardiac autonomic control. Objective: To correlate body composition and HRV in young nonathletes, without evidence of established cardiovascular disease, at rest and post-exercise. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional correlational study, with 24 men and 27 women. The percentage of body fat, the kilograms of muscle mass were analyzed through bioimpedance. HRV measurement with Powerlab® and Labchart® software. Records are exported to KUBIOS® for HRV analysis. Results: The average age of the participants was 22 years, men 22,3 years (SD ± 1.5) and women 22,1 years (SD ± 1.6). Muscle mass was found to have a moderate (0,4) positive connection with High Frequency (HF) Range (p= 0,003), HF increased when muscle mass increased; the standard deviation of the RRs (SDNN), among others, had a low positive connection. Conclusions: According to the findings of this study, body composition and HRV in healthy adults at rest are related; muscle mass was positively correlated with HRV which could improve parasympathetic dominance in people with higher muscle mass compared to people with less muscle mass.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Camilo Alberto Jiménez, Claudia Yaneth Rodríguez-Triviño, Laura Katherine Veloza-Manchola, Daniel Quiñonez-Bohórquez, Juan Felipe Polania-Pérez