Indigenous governance in times of COVID-19 in Colombia
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Indigenous people
Colombian government

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Molina-Orjuela, D. E., & Gómez-Muñoz, J. T. (2022). Indigenous governance in times of COVID-19 in Colombia. Salud UIS, 54.


Introduction: This article aims to establish the scope and challenges of indigenous governance in times of COVID-19 in Colombia since the mechanisms for political participation of indigenous people in Colombia are established in the Constitution. This legal framework respects the decisions made by the indigenous people, including economic and social issues. Methods: Through the analysis of sources, the authors determine how indigenous governance has been limited in times of pandemic emergency and the guarantee of their rights amid restrictions that have not been considered rooted and traditional practices. The recognition of their identity and knowledge -further the principles of coexistence, reconciliation, cooperation, and plurality- promotes the preservation of their autonomy, characterized by territorial management in harmony with nature. Results: the measures enforced by the Colombian government were focused on the health sector to tend to the pandemic emergency, without considering the economic
or social consequences. In this scenario, indigenous governance was relegated, deepening social gaps with a vast history. Discussion: The pandemic caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 also impacted the health of indigenous people, worsening other problems that have been affected them along the time. In the department of Amazonas, the response of the Colombian government to attend to this emergency has revealed the risks and the historical difficulties suffered by indigenous people. Conclusions: In this scenario, the lack of protective actions for the indigenous communities of the Amazon has intensified the historical and structural vulnerabilities they suffered for decades in Colombia.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Douglas Eduardo Molina-Orjuela, Julieth Tatiana Gómez-Muñoz


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