Practices and beliefs with the use of medicinal plants in infants from San Andrés island
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Care system
Traditional medicine
Medicinal plants
Infant care
Child care
Qualitative research

How to Cite

Ruiz-Lurduy, R., & Stephens-Corpus, S. S. (2023). Practices and beliefs with the use of medicinal plants in infants from San Andrés island. Salud UIS, 55.


Introduction: The use of medicinal plants is part of the traditional culture of many populations around the world. Used to prevent diseases and preserve the health of individuals, it is a knowledge that mothers and grandmothers keep for early childhood care. However, there are many gaps in research regarding the use and properties of medicinal plants in infants and the general population. Objective: Analyze and describe the practices and beliefs with the ancestral use of medicinal plants in infants by the Raizal community in San Andrés Island. Materials and methods: It’s a qualitative study with a descriptive ethnographic design applied to a convenience sample of 8 grandmothers from the Raizal community of San Andrés Island. We made out a description and analysis of the ideas, social practices, behaviors, beliefs, meanings, and knowledge about the uses of medicinal plants on infants. Results: The ancestral knowledge of medicinal plants use led by the grandmothers still persevered. The use of medicinal plants on infants administers only to the need of health situations. The investigation found 23 specimens of medicinal plants used in infant breastmilk, just a few plants found in this study are registered in the Colombian Vademecum of medicinal plants. Discussion: The findings agree with the results of other studies that show the importance of cultural traditions in the care of infants, the role of the accumulated experience of grandmothers in this knowledge and practices. In addition to corroborating that the use of medicinal plants in infants is governed solely by the need for care in health situations that warrant it. Only two specimens of the medicinal plants classified by the Raizal women in this study are referenced in the Colombian Vademecum of medicinal plants. Conclusion: Medicinal plants address a wide spectrum of uses and properties that need extensive study for their registration and dissemination.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rodrigo Ruiz-Lurduy, Susseth Sabrina Stephens-Corpus


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