Experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of postpartum women, Boyacá, Colombia, 2021
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Postpartum period
Qualitative Research
Maternal Mortality
Maternal Health

How to Cite

Prieto-Bocanegra, B. M., & Rincón-Arango, M. P. . (2024). Experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of postpartum women, Boyacá, Colombia, 2021. Salud UIS, 56. https://doi.org/10.18273/saluduis.56.e:24022


Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women were affected, both by effects of the disease and by the consequences of the quarantines and restrictions imposed by the health emergency. The negative effects of confinement on sexual and reproductive health have been reported. Objectives: To describe the experiences about the COVID-19 pandemic of a group of pregnant women who were attended in a health institution in the department of Boyacá. Methodology: Qualitative study with interpretative phenomenological approach, using Harry F. Wolcott’s qualitative analysis model. Results: After the transcription of the interviews conducted with 10 informants, the analysis is carried out where four categories emerge as follows: the non-enjoyment and enjoyment of pregnancy, the influence of media and social networks, chances in self-care and the remoteness of health services. Discussion: The restrictions derived from the COVID-19 emergency had consequences on the health of pregnant women, both physically and mentally. Feelings of fear, anguish and uncertainty characterized the emotional state of the pregnant women in this study. Family and social support proved to be a protective factor for those women who lived their pregnancy during the pandemic, favoring wellbeing processes, despite the restrictions. Conclusions: The increase in the search for health information on internet pages and social networks, marked the experiences during this time of enormous fears and uncertainties on the part of the pregnant families. 

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Copyright (c) 2024 Brigitte Migdolia Prieto-Bocanegra, María Paula Rincón-Arango


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